I know it's been forever since I've posted. I have read some things, but I'm a little out of the reading mode I've been in for the last 5 years. This book, though, is worth a review.
I watched The Scarlet Pimpernel in my freshman French class in high school and loved the movie. At that time I had no idea it was actually a book. When the leader of our classics book discussion group chose this, I was very excited.
From the moment I picked the book up I couldn't put it down. Sir Percy and Lady Margeurite Blakeney are a couple that shares so many misunderstandings, yet there is still an underlying love for each other.
The story is set in the 1790's in France and England. The French are killing off many of the aristocrats and someone, The Scarlet Pimpernel, is finding ways to enter France and rescue many of them before they meet their fate at the guillotine. No one knows who he is, but he is very popular among the ladies because of his mysterious ways. Throughout the book many daring rescues happen while the French are striving to uncover and expose this elusive man.
While all of this is going on, Lady Margeurite is trying to figure out why her husband has changed so much since they were married and is often caught up in the scheming ways of Chauvelin, a Frenchman. She is shocked when she learns certain truths after she has been forced to help Chauvelin in order to save her brother's life.
I definitely recommend this book. After reading it, I was able to watch the movie again and loved it all over again. It doesn't follow the book exactly, but it is a wonderful movie.