American Wife is an excellent book to read! This book was suggested for our discussion group by one of our members. She was so right--well worth the read!
It says at the beginning of the book that it is loosely based on a real first lady--I won't reveal who it is because you should read the book. The story is told from her perspective and follows her from early childhood thru the years she spent in the White House.
Part of why I loved the book so much was that the whole time I was trying to figure out which first lady it was based on and then trying to put what the story said in relation to what was really the truth. I hate to say it, but I didn't really know all that much.
The first thing I did this morning was go check out books on her and her husband. I must say I wasn't their biggest fan when they were in office, but as people, this fictional account has made me very curious to see where they truly came from.
I hope you pick it up and like it as much as I did. Our discussion is tomorrow so I'll be interested in seeing what everyone else says.