Well I can finally say now that I've read a Jane Austen book. Emma was a selection for my classics book discussion. I've often wondered in the past several years what all the hoopla was about Jane Austen with the movie Jane Austen's Book Club, and several other fiction books written about Jane Austen's books and people's love of her writing.
It is unbelievable to me that Emma was written in 1815. I just read a book that is almost 200 years old and I got thru it. It was not an easy read, but the story itself wasn't too bad. In certain parts I found myself not reading fast enough because I wanted to know what happened. It is about a young woman, Emma, who thinks she is a great matchmaker to her friends. She is actually pretty oblivious to the fact that she really doesn't see people and their feelings the way they truly are.
She attempts several times to set up her "friend" Harriet with a few men, but it always backfires. Finally, during the last attempt she realizes something about herself, which I won't tell you, but I would say it makes the story complete.
There are many characters throughout the book and some I liked and some I didn't. After reading the notes at the end though I was surprised to find that Emma's character is mostly unliked by alot of readers. I didn't necessarily feel that way.
This book is definitely worth the read. I would consider reading another of her books, especially since this was deemed her most difficult read of all of her works.
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