The 8th Confession--add this to the growing list of James Patterson's books that I have read. There is something about his writing that just grabs hold and keeps me going. Usually I am unable to put the book down until I am completely done. Then I sit there wondering when the next book in the series will be published. When I realize that it will be another year until I can read more about these favorite characters it's a little depressing. The only good thing is that there are usually several books written by Patterson each year to keep me happy!
The Women's Murder Club is the focus of this eighth installment of this series. I really do like these very self-sufficient women. I'm sometimes disappointed in the choices they make and I won't reveal anything here but I was thinking there could have been a different maybe more tolerant outcome to some things. I don't know, maybe that's me thinking I'm much more liberal than I really am.
All in all, it's another best seller I'm sure. I liked it and as always anxiously await the next one!
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