Happy! Happy! Happy! How else can I describe how I felt when Cherry Bomb finally arrived in our interlibrary loan delivery. I, and probably many others out there who read J.A. Konrath's Jack Daniels series, have been anxiously awaiting a long YEAR to find out who died at the end of the last book. Talk about a cliffhanger!
Thank goodness, he didn't make us wait too long to find out. Cherry Bomb opens at the cemetery and I guess that's all I can tell you now. It would be so wrong to let you know on here. Suffice it to say that the evil serial killer Alex is still around and ready to murder again and as many people as she feels necessary until she gets to her true target!
I pretty much read the book straight thru and stayed up until I was done. It was totally worth it! Get ready for murder, monkeys and madness! Let me know what you think. I LOVE these books! Now I wait again......
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